Promotion!!! SALE SALE SALE!!!

Promotion!!! SALE SALE SALE!!!
Promotion!!! SALE SALE SALE!!!

Saturday, January 17, 2009

I'm the fans of 女人我最大 astro program but it is very hard to find those products that been introducing by those Taiwan beautician in Malaysia market. Recently I able to find some at SaSa and some shops but they are selling at very expensive price.

Thus, I decided to become the distributor of products 女人我最大 and this would also benefit my siblings and friends.

Japan Hot Item! Multi-function Cushion
日本最新 甜甜圈多功能坐墊/靠枕 (Product Code: LF006)

Price: RM30.00
Postage Fee:
Free if purchase more than 10
Please refer to shipping and return page

So hot in Japan! Made in China.Color is assorted.

it can be used in many ways.pls use it as the following pictures:

- need a cushion in ur car? this one is the most useful one
- need a cushion in ur hse? this looks the cutest
- need a cushion at ur work place for back side, for lunch snap. get one of it is enough
- multi function, multi shape
- best gift for ur frens, any age, any gender
- crazy hot selling in Japan! Crazily recommended in Japan Mag










Direction of Use of Products:

1. 甜甜圈狀:不做任何扭曲造型。本身就是日本大人氣的“円型坐墊”!分擔臀部的壓力,讓屁股坐在地上不再感到冰冷冷的酸痛囉!

2. 對折狀態:抓住墊子的左右兩側,上下扭轉一回。可以當做上班族最愛的午安枕,靠在硬梆梆的椅背上減輕背部負擔、將手穿過中間的透氣洞之後,趴睡也不用擔心手肘關節酸痛囉!放在脖子放鬆脖子肩膀的壓力~

3. 小花形狀:將手穿過中間的透氣洞,將最下方的球狀往透氣洞拉,整理花辦部分形成花朵的樣子。趴在床上或是躺在床上看看書或是玩玩手機的時候,靠著小花形狀的坐墊減輕身體的壓力負擔吧!下午小歇側睡一下的時候也是非常好的靠枕唷!

4. 麻花形狀:正反抓住坐墊的左右兩側,上下扭轉兩回型成麻花的形狀。靠在腰際減輕腰部的負擔!

女人我最大《美妆大王》杂志推荐 达贺水晶眼线辅助器
Taiwan Ladies First Magazine Recommended Eye Liner Guide (Product Code: LF005)

Price: RM4.90
Postage Fee:
Please refer to shipping and return page

This is the best tool that help you to get a neat line.

Direction of Use of Products:
Trace this item at your eyes while applying upper and lower eyeliner so that you can get a neat line.


Superfine Nano Face Towel (Product Code: LF004)

Price: RM6.90
Postage Fee:
Free if purchase more than 10
Please refer to shipping and return page

* Personally i feel that this item is super, super clean.
* Made of superfine nano material which is 250 times tinier than hair silk
* Size : 24 x 24cm
* Helps to pull out dirt from pores which makes you skin clean
* Popular in Japan and every girl owns one
* 采用比头发丝还细250倍的超细纳米材料制成.
* 规格:24*24CM
* 在洁面时, 能深入毛孔, 把里面的脏东西统统清理出来. 让你感觉到前所未有的清爽. 连黑头都可以清洁喔. 非常实用.
* 在日本,基本每个女孩子都有一条.

Push Up Re-Construction Bra/ 魔術型-胸型UP美体托胸调整型背心-矫形内衣 (Product Code: LF003)

Price: RM23.90
Postage Fee:
Free if purchase more than 10
Please refer to shipping and return page

Just to show you the secret of top models and film stars to have perfect bust line and breast shape, with our Push Up Re-Construction Bra.This is with 3D cutting to enhance the upper part, to show bigger and firmer bust line. The Push Up and concentrating design could even show your sexy cleavage, and push up up up.

Size: S, M, L
* 采用3D立体剪裁,上半身胸型挺立,增大视觉观感。
* 胸部两侧集中托高设计--展现魅力乳沟、胸型UP。
* 背部保护型设计--背部拉直、前胸挺立,保持美丽傲人的曲线。
S:下胸圍 61-70公分
M:下胸圍 67-76公分
L:下胸圍 73-82公分

Teeth Whitening Pen (with extra refill tooth tick)
/ 潔牙筆 (Product Code: LF002)

Price: RM19.90
Postage Fee:
Free if purchase more than 10
Please refer to shipping and return page

Are you worriying of yellowish and brown teeth?

Apply Whitening Tooth Pen, twice a day, you will have whitening teeth and brightening smile just in seconds. Best before date, interview, functions

with pepper minth fresh breath

Introduced by Taiwanese famous artist 伊能靜 and 大S

ingredients : natural, non- toxic

Direction of Use of Products:

1. Apply tooth pick on washed teeth

2. Apply twice a day

3. Wash the mouth after application of the product

4. Gently wash the tooth tick and dried it

5. Slightly cut the used and dirty part of the tooth tick, to have fresh pepper mint smell again


Magic Foot Exfoliation Stick (second generation) / 去角質棒 (Product Code: LF001)

Price: RM6.90
Postage Fee:
Free if purchase more than 10
Please refer to shipping and return page

Wear too much scandals or high heel shoes to have cracked heel?

One of the reasons to have rough and cracked heel foot is the dead skin . Those dead skins would produce bacteria, and even athletic foot.
Here we have a great way to remove those dead skin with Magic Exfoliation Stick.

科學研究表明,過多的老化角質是細菌滋生繁殖的 溫床,是產生水泡、腳氣甚至惡臭的原因之一 怎樣有效去除老化的角質呢?普通的磨腳石多數不能將角質死皮有效的去除乾淨!而指甲鉗又容易因使用不當造成皮膚出血痛疼等

Direction of Use of Products:
1. Rinse your foot with warm water to soften the skin.

2 Scrape (gua sha) on the skin with Magic Ex foliation Stick few times, and then scrape with the black colour stick attached.

3. Gently move the black colour stick, and you will see the dead skin on the stick.

4. Lastly apply moisturizer or lotion for best result.

1. 先洗澡或泡腳使皮膚角質變軟,將去角質棒對著需要進行刮除的部位, 以90度的角度來回進行刮除就可以了

2. 刮除五六次後,使用產品付帶的黑色小棒插入去角質棒中間

3. 輕輕的推一下黑色小棒,你就能看到被刮除出來的死皮角質了。

4. 使用後請塗沫保濕液或化妝水保養你的皮膚。


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